Sunday, 15 May 2016

3 Effective Home Remedies For Rosacea

home remedies for rosacea

Rosacea is a common skin problem characterized by redness of the skin. Most times, the redness affects the nose, cheek and forehead. But it can also affect the chest, back and ear.
Due to the numerous symptoms of rosacea, it was grouped into four sub-types. The sub-types include; sub-type1: visible blood vessels (spider vein), facial redness, stinging or burns on the skin. Sub-type2: acne-like breakouts, visible broken blood vessels, sensitive skin, raised patches on the skin, oily skin. This sub-type is common among middle aged women. Sub-type3: thickening of the skin especially nose, visible blood vessels, bumpy texture of skin. Sub-type4: affects the eye, swollen eyelids, eye itch, blurry vision, visible broken blood vessels on the eyelid.
Rosacea is usually diagnosed by dermatologists. And anyone can suffer from Rosacea although it’s rare in adolescents and children. It often affects people between 30 to 50 years old. Women are more prone to suffer from Rosacea than men. However, men tend to suffer from severe cases of Rosacea than women. Researches are still ongoing to find out the main cause of rosacea. But so far, investigations have revealed that rosacea runs in families. It has also been linked to bacteria, mite and protein on the skin. Sadly, there’s no cure for rosacea. But Rosacea can be controlled. Most times, flares can be triggered by different factors. It’s good to find out what triggers the rosacea and avoid. Common triggers include; sunlight, stress, beverages, exercise, temperature and hot meals
Apart from affecting the body, Rosacea can also affect one’s social life. Different surveys have confirmed that majority of people suffering from rosacea tend to isolate themselves from the public. It can cause low self-esteem and it can also lead to anxiety or depression.

Treatments or home remedies alone cannot control rosacea. Identifying triggers and change of lifestyle combined with remedies will do a good job.

home remedies for rosacea

Licorice plant which is a perennial legume is native to southern Europe and some parts of Asia. Licorice has been used for long in the Chinese traditional medicine for different health problems. It reduces redness of the skin which is the most common symptom of rosacea. Glycyrrhizin which is one of the active constituents of licorice has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Licorice reduces inflammation by inhibiting a protein (11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase).
How to apply: Mix one tablespoon of licorice powder with aloe vera gel and apply on the affected area. Leave for 15-20 minutes before washing off with warm water. Repeat twice daily. Use for four to six weeks.

home remedies for rosacea

Chamomile has always been used in traditional medicine for treating inflammations, psoriasis and chest cold. Some constituents of chamomile tea like basabolol, chamazulene, apigenin and luteolin possess anti-inflammatory property. Cold chamomile tea has calming effect on the skin. Boil some tea bags of chamomile for a few minutes. Remove the tea bags and allow to cool. Put into your refrigerator for a few hours. Dip a clean cotton face cloth into it and use it as a cold compress for some minutes on the affected areas. Few cases of chamomile allergy have been reported in the past. So it’s best to try in small quantity first to know your body’s reaction.

home remedies for rosacea

Oatmeal helps to reduce the redness and stinging effect of rosacea. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties. It contains proteins and polysaccharides that are attached to the skin and provide protection.
How to apply: Mix 8 tablespoons (1/2 cup) of oatmeal with one quarter cup of water in a bowl. Apply on the affected area. Make sure the oatmeal seats on the skin. Leave for about 20 – 30 minutes. Rinse off with tap water and pat dry with a clean towel. Repeat twice daily.

RECOMMENDATION: Rosacea can be very frustrating. Don’t allow it to pull you down. Visit your dermatologist. You can also join this online support group to learn how other people control theirs.

Visit the National Rosacea Association for more information on how to pinpoint and avoid triggers.

You can share your experience and let us know the remedies that have worked for you.

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