Thursday, 17 March 2016

Home Remedies For Cellulite

home remedies for cellulite
home remedies for cellulite
no cellulite
A glance at the pictures above, can easily tell you the difference between a body with cellulite and the one free from it.

Every year, millions of dollars are spent on cellulite treatments. Yet the cellulite issue still remains a mystery that needs to be solved.

This articles covers the flaws of these cellulite treatments, the causes of cellulite and the best way to take care of it.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite (often called orange peel skin) is just fat beneath the skin.

This fat underneath the skin exerts pressure or pokes the connective tissues. Hence making the skin to fold and appear bumpy.

The bumpy appearance is often seen at the hip, thigh region, and buttocks.

That cellulite is fat underneath the skin, does not mean that it’s only overweight people that have cellulite. No, anyone can have cellulite (whether you are overweight or not).

Cellulite is not harmful. It’s just that people do not like its appearance.

Most women have cellulite in their lifetime. In fact, it’s estimated that 90% of women have cellulite in their life time in contrast to 10% of men that have cellulite.

Why are women more prone to cellulite than men?

Women are more prone to cellulite than men because, the connective tissues in women have a different pattern when compared to that of the men.

The connective tissues in women have a honey comb appearance with large openings while that of the men have a crisscross pattern with small openings. This pattern of connective tissues in women allow fat to pop through and appear as dimples on the surface of the skin.
Apart from the pattern of connective tissues, there are other factors that contribute to one having cellulite. They are;
Thickness of the skin, gene (if your mum and relatives have cellulite, there’s a great possibility of you having it), hormone changes, age (the older you get, the more, muscles are lost in the body and fat accumulates which can cause cellulite), poor diet and lack of exercise.

Common cellulite treatments: The following are some of the prevalent cellulite treatments and their flaws;

Liposuction: This is the removal of fat through surgery. Liposuction can shape the body. But the downside is that it doesn’t take away cellulite.

It removes deep fat. But cellulite is just beneath the skin. Liposuction can even make cellulite worse. Though according to, a newer type of liposuction which is assisted by laser can be more effective. However, it is costly.

Cellulite creams: There are a lot of cellulite creams that claim to remove cellulite (I have even recommended one in the past). Some can be helpful but their effects are temporary. And some of the ingredients in these creams can cause reactions to the body.

Lasers and infrared light emitting diodes: Medical therapies that involve lasers, radio frequency and LED can be helpful. However their results are temporal and can only last for a few months. Also, these procedures are expensive.

Treating cellulite using this procedure entails that you will part with huge amounts of money from time to time (since the results are not permanent).

Massage: Massage may have temporal effect because it helps to improve fluid circulation. But no amount of massage can remove cellulite.

Other treatments like injecting vitamins, amino acids and enzymes into the skin tissue might improve the appearance of cellulite a little. However, they may cause infection and swelling.

Bitter truth:

The truth is that there is no known cure for cellulite. However, the appearance of cellulite can be effectively managed.

Expert recommended home remedies for cellulite: The expert recommended remedies for cellulite are exercise and healthy nutrition.

These two remedies will not remove cellulite completely. But they are simple, effective and cheap ways you can use to improve the appearance of cellulite.

They have no side effects and they can easily be adopted into your lifestyle.

Exercise: A combination of aerobic and strength training exercises for at least 3 to 5 days a week will definitely help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Exercise reduces fat, makes the muscles and the skin firm, and enhances circulation in the body. These effects of exercise work in synergy to reduce the lumpy appearance of cellulite.

Aerobic exercise: 
home remedies for cellulite

When the fat underneath the skin is reduced, the appearance of cellulite is improved.

Aerobic exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming, walking target the fat and increase the rate of metabolism. Hence improving cellulite appearance.

Strength training exercise: Strength training exercises will target the muscles of your body. The muscles will make your skin firm. And when your skin is firm, the appearance of cellulite is reduced.
The following exercises are needed;

Step ups: 
home remedies for cellulite
photo credit:

Step up is a good exercise that targets the muscles of the lower body (glutes, quadriceps and hamstring muscles). It helps to burn fat and at the same time strengthen the muscles.

What is needed for step up? An aerobic step that is adjustable is needed for this exercise. Or you can use a short bench, sturdy chair or coffee box that can serve as a platform.

For beginners, height of the platform should be about 6-8 inches.

Starting position: Stand in front of the bench with feet hip-width apart, hands beside you.

Next position: Place the right foot on the bench, the right knee should be at a 90 degree angle. Your back should be straight.

Propel the body upwards and place the left foot on top of the bench.

Return to the starting position by bringing down the left foot first. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times (the legs should be on the floor to complete a repetition).

You can then alternate the legs (start with the left leg) after the first set.

When you are used to this work out, you can add dumbbells. Lift dumbbells on both hands (with the palms facing your body and the hands down). Then do the work out.

Tips: To get the best out of this exercise, ensure that the knee of the ground foot doesn’t move forward past the foot.

Your feet should be flat on the bench. Make sure that your head and back are straight. 

The higher the platform, the stronger it works the muscles.

home remedies for cellulite

home remedies for cellulite
dumbbell lunges

Lunge is also a great strength training exercise that works the muscles of the lower body.

Starting position: Stand erect with your shoulders relaxed and feet hip-width apart.

Next move: Bend your right knee by raising it up, move it forward just a few feet apart from the left leg.

Then move down slowly till your right thigh is parallel to the floor and right lower leg (shin) is perpendicular to the floor.

Your left lower leg (shin) should be parallel to the floor and your left thigh perpendicular to the floor. Your left toes should be on the ground.

Your back and head should be straight, your foot flat.

After a few seconds, return to the starting position.

Repeat 15 to 20 times. Then alternate leg (ie start with your left leg this time around). Do 1 to 3 sets (15 reps per set).

You can add dumbbells when you have advanced. Lift the dumbbells with your arms beside you and your palms facing your body.

home remedies for cellulite

Squats target the quadriceps, hamstring, glutes and lower back.

Starting position: stand with feet hip-width apart, back and head straight. Your arms straight forward.

Next move: Bend knees and lower the body toward the floor until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Make sure your knees do not move forward beyond the toes, push your hips back. Then, return to the starting position slowly.

Repeat 15 to 20 times. As you advance, you can add dumbbells.

Inner thigh squeeze:
home remedies for cellulite
photo credit:

This is a system exercise that targets the muscles of the inner thigh. All you need is an exercise ball.

Starting position: Lie on the mat or floor with your back. The arms should be on the floor beside you.

Next move: Raise your two legs up and bend your knees to a 90 degree position. Put the exercise ball between your knees and squeeze the ball with your knees as hard as you can for 5-10 seconds. Exhale as you squeeze the ball.

Release the ball gently. Inhale when you release.

Repeat for 12 to 15 times. You can do 2 to 3 sets (15 reps per set).

Healthy Nutrition: To reduce cellulite, there has to be a change in your nutrition. The main objective is to cut down on the fat, nourish your skin and strengthen your connective tissues. Do the following;

Time your meal:
home remedies for cellulite

You have to teach your brain when you need to eat and when not to eat. This is just to avoid taking unhealthy snacks (foods that can increase the fat in your body) and overeating.

Schedule your meal (map out a particular time for your breakfast, lunch and dinner) so that you don’t overeat.

Increase your fiber intake: 
home remedies for cellulite

When you add more fiber foods to your meal, it makes you get full quickly and longer. This is because fiber stays longer in the body.

When you feel full, you eat less and calorie intake reduces.

Fiber foods include whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, flax seed, beans, vegetables, fruits (like blue berries, straw berries).

You can use whole grain flour for baking. You can also replace your dessert with fruits like apple and banana.

Take appetizers:
home remedies for cellulite

Taking appetizers can also help you eat less. Take fruits and vegetables as appetizers so that you can eat less amount of calories during the main meal.

Eat good fat:
home remedies for cellulite

There are good fatty foods that can increase your satiety and help you eat less.

Good fats like polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat can help to keep you fuller.

Add more of omega 3 fat (polyunsaturated fat) to your foods. Foods rich in omega 3 include flax-seed oil, fish oil, sea foods like tuna and salmon.

Also add foods rich in monounsaturated fat like avocado, olive oil. You can add olive oil to your pasta or salad. Avocado can be added to your sandwich.

Increase protein intake: 
home remedies for cellulite

There are different things that protein does in the body. One of them is to boost collagen production.

The connective tissues are made up of collagen fibers. Boosting collagen can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. You can get protein from foods like whitefish, chicken, beans and egg white.

Take Vitamin C:
home remedies for cellulite

Fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin c are very vital when it comes to boosting collagen production. Add fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin c to your meal. Examples are kiwi, citrus fruits (like orange), broccoli and berries.

Important Tips

  • Avoid skin thinning creams like steroid creams. When the skin becomes thin, cellulite becomes more noticeable. But you have to consult your doctor first before stopping creams that are medicinal.

  • Do not crash diet or try to lose weight very fast because it will worsen the appearance of cellulite.

  • Quit smoking as smoking affects the firmness and texture of the skin. Hence making cellulite more noticeable.

  • Quit alcohol because it dehydrates the skin. It makes the skin thinner, less plump and less fresh.

  • Do not hate your body and don’t let cellulite affect your self-esteem. Learn to love your body because there are other vital things that your body does for you.

Have you tried any of the treatments that I discussed above? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences.

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